Local SEO Video: 2018 Local Brand Awareness through Blogging
June 11, 2018Local Businesses Today
Businesses today depend highly on technology. It helps in sustaining a business in the market. It also creates brand awareness among customers.
While online marketing has soared due to the technology boom, local businesses have to adapt to this current technology as well. If they do, this will make their business more accessible to their customers.
You might be wondering why a local business should care about technology. Some businesses are contented when the sales are stable due to word-of-mouth marketing. Business owners may seem satisfied and think that they are doing good until word-of-mouth slows down and no one can find their business online.
Google claims that more than 50% of people searching for some services on their smartphones end up visiting the business on the same day, how do you expect to add to your customer base if your potential customers can’t find you online?
Our client, Carolina Pharmacy offers quality and affordable compounding pharmaceutical services.
Let’s say that there is a new resident in the Charlotte area who is looking for a new pharmacy. Digital marketing and the Google Beacon will connect the new customer with Carolina Pharmacy because of the brand’s online visibility in Google and communication opportunities through this transmitter.
This is when technology bridges your business to customers. Technology can connect you to a lot more people. With technology, you can serve more customers and make more money.
A relatively simple solution to this scenario is the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacon or the Google beacon device. This device transmits relevant messages or information to smartphones in the vicinity or close proximity of the business.
Organic Clicks, LLC can work in consonance with the benefits of using a Google beacon. We provide optimum means to strengthen your online presence while the Google Beacon can boosts how customers can find you when they are nearby.
What is a Google Beacon?
Just like any other smart device, Google beacon is a small device powered by a lifetime battery. It uses the Global Positioning System (GPS). It sends signals on the accurate location of the beacon device to nearby BLE devices such as smartphones and tablets.
The beacon is named Eddystone after the famous Eddystone Lighthouse in the UK. The idea is to depict the similarities in the functionality of a lighthouse and a beacon. Both provide information on the current location to nearby people.
Google released its beacons in 2015. There are three models, namely Eddystone-UID, Eddystone-URL, and Eddystone-TLM. Eddystone-UID is used on a local device, while Eddystone-URL sends URL-based messages to the nearby devices.
Why should you use a Beacon?
Your smartphone apps can read the signals and prompt you for action. The beacon device can detect your phone and send information regarding all the amenities available near you.
Your smartphone, on the other hand, can inform the beacon device that you are about to arrive at the place where you are heading to.
Thus, this helps the local businesses to be prepared in receiving customers at any time. It also promotes active marketing by sharing information about recent discounts, offers, and newly added products.
There are a lot of benefits in using Google Beacon. Again, Google claims that more than 50% of people searching for some services on their smartphones end up visiting the business on the same day.
A marketing strategy that is based on cost-per-click on an online platform may turn it into a profit per visit. This is what beacons are striving to achieve in the future.
Google beacons are widely used in the market by small and large businesses. The aim is to constantly update the customers about products and services. It also aims to attract a lot of people to visit the business or use the services.
Here are some benefits when you use the beacon for your local business:
1. It keeps you connected to nearby customers.
2. Beacons build a customer base.
3. It uses GPS effectively and attracts customers.
4. It increases your market footprint and improves your sales.
5. This device lets you stay ahead in the world of technology and reap its benefits.
6. It provides customers exactly what they are looking.
7. It helps you earn customer trust.
There is a famous saying, “effort is important, but knowing where to make the effort makes all the difference.” This applies to businesses. You know that technology is important for marketing your business, but using the right technology that works for you makes all the difference.
How to set up Google Beacon in your office?
If you want to start enjoying the perks of Google beacon, get your beacon device today!
When you have received the beacon device, set it up by following the steps given below:
1. Receive the beacon device with the instruction brochure. The box has an activation code on the address label which you need to activate the device.
2. Follow the instruction in the instruction brochure. You will be asked to complete a Google Form. This will confirm whether or not you have the activation code.
3. Check the activation code on the box. Input the code on the given space and verify to set up the device.
4. In case you do not have the activation code, you can verify with your actual business on the same form and follow additional steps.
5. Once you complete this task, your Google Beacon device is all set to communicate with the nearby devices, sending them information about your business.
Google Beacon provides more efficient turnaround time for marketing responses. Local businesses equipped with the Google Beacon can prepare marketing strategies in converting online traffic into profit.
Google beacons create opportunities for local businesses to build highly personalized features to their website. Business owners may also use the Nearby Notification system to deliver web content.
As our digital services enhance your online visibility, the Google beacon can turn online visibility into a realized profit. Integrate your business with Google beacon today. Learn how Organic Clicks, LLC can develop a website that will surely create a better output for you and your business.
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