Google Review Link Generator

Start by typing your business name in the box below. Once you find your business and select it your unique link will appear at the bottom of the map. Then share the short URL with your customers and grow your Google reviews.

To generate your review link:

Step 1

Type your business name, city and zip/postal code in the "Enter a location" field on the map

Step 2

Your review link will appear under the map

Step 3

Copy the short URL to your clipboard.

Step 4

You can now copy the link  and send it to your customers  via email or any method to  leave you a review on Google

**Unfortunately, if your business address is hidden in your Google listing, you will not be able to generate a review link. The tool needs to pinpoint your location data on the map and can’t access the information when the address is hidden. Here is a workaround for that.**
